Eat Like Jesus

But He told them, “I have food to eat that you do not know about.” John 4:32 AMP

We are what we eat–in the natural and in the spiritual sense.  What we give influence to matters.  In the context of marriage and family, the voices that we listen to and the actions that we commit to make or break what we’re trying to build.

When the disciples left to get food for Jesus, they returned to find him already nourished. In the interim, Jesus had ministered to the woman at the well and in doing so, built God’s kingdom and recharged Himself.

If this is true of Jesus, how much more of us! It is of the utmost importance to identify and live out God’s will for our families. Having a vision and God-given family assignment brings everyone closer together and creates an atmosphere of peace within the home.

Committing to God’s will for our individual lives and families has a way of sifting out the negative voices and influences that would dare get in the way.  The best thing we can do for our family is to eat like Jesus. Do our Father’s will as a family unit and watch the nourishment and fruitfulness that takes place in each of you.