Get Rid of Your Figs

At that moment their eyes were opened, and they suddenly felt shame at their nakedness. So they sewed fig leaves together to cover themselves. Genesis 3:7 NLT

After the fall in the garden of Eden, Adam and Eve realized their nakedness and tried to cover it up with fig leaves. They were once clothed in the glory of God, and wanted to do something to replace it. Fig leaves represent self-righteousness or self-justification in the Bible. They are man’s attempt to cover his own sin and this act cuts God out of the picture entirely.

Such a sin has consequences relationally. When we seek to justify ourselves in relationships, we don’t sit with our nakedness. We don’t bear the shame, guilt, or embarrassment of what we’ve done wrong. These feelings should drive us to God in order to receive His grace, forgiveness, and empowerment to bear fruit in place of our barrenness.

However, the fig leaves get in the way. They lead us to deflect, to blame, and to remain unrepentant about the ways in which we have hurt others. This causes breakdowns in relationships. Narcissistic dynamics can emerge in families, workplaces, and churches when people commit to their fig leaves instead of coming to God.

Fig leaves represent the pride of mankind. They represent the avoidance of any shame or wrong-doing. Yet we were never meant to be the focus of anything. God’s rightful place is at the forefront of every relationship, and when He is given His rightful position, His nature and heart are revealed for all to see.

In order to have relationships filled with peace, honor, humility, and mutual serving, get rid of any figs you might be clinging to and let God lead you into the fruit of the Holy Spirit.