God’s Laws Protect Us From Narcissists

God’s laws are perfect. They protect us, make us wise, and give us joy and light. God’s laws are pure, eternal, just. They are more desirable than gold. They are sweeter than honey dripping from a honeycomb. For they warn us away from harm and give success to those who obey them. Psalm 19:7-11 TLB

Many people mistakenly think that God’s laws are meant to suppress us or to stop us from having fun. We often fail to consider what they keep us from. In our sinful and immature state, we find pleasure in things that bring spiritual death and that can have very serious consequences. We try to carve our own path for fulfillment or act to solve loneliness on our own. This can lead us away from God and toward people who only want to use us for their own gain.

This was the case for me. I struggled with feeling rejected and often sought the approval of others. Completely ignorant of God’s grace and love, I sought acceptance in relationships that were one-sided. There were so many indicators that they were unhealthy, but I kept pushing God’s laws aside, figuring that I would turn back and follow Him after I found someone and got married. I left him out of the equation completely and chose to fill my life with people who didn’t respect me or Him.

I was exploited in every way. I was worse off financially, emotionally, spiritually, and psychologically for these counterfeit relationships. If I had simply followed God’s laws and trusted in Him, I wouldn’t have opened myself up to people who wanted the worship that only belonged to Him. Looking back, I realize that you don’t want anyone in your life that will help you break God’s laws. And you don’t want to be that person in someone else’s life either.

I wasted years of my life not consulting God for anything. I would be so much further along today if I hadn’t. When you seek relationship with Him, He will show up in every area of your life. He will invite you on a God-adventure and build dreams with you. You will feel the warmth of His love and friendship as you decide together where you should live, where you should work, and who you should be a blessing to. If you take matters into your own hands, you open yourself up to people who will decide what your adventure should be and they will choose according to how it serves them. Let God’s laws protect you from narcissists and reveal His faithful love for you.